
Humans are made to move. It’s how we interact with the world. When we are limited in our movement by pain, injury or neuromuscular dysfunction, we don’t feel well, which influences our choices and our thinking, and subsequently, we are not able to enjoy life to its fullest.

Physical therapy can help resolve old injuries, chronic pain, limited range of motion, inefficient movement patterns, and neuromuscular dysfunction. Simply put, physical therapy can help you move and feel better.

Teaching yoga for 15 years and studying the way people move inspired me to pursue a doctorate degree in physical therapy. Yoga can be very healing if done correctly, but if there is an underlying structural or biomechanical issue, yoga is not as effective, and in some cases, does more harm than good. Teaching yoga has also trained me to “see” the person as a whole person and has influenced the way I work with my physical therapy clients, forming a partnership for better health and function.

I specialize in resolving neck, back and pelvic girdle pain and dysfunction. But since everything is connected, I also work with shoulders, hips, knees, etc. I am one of only a handful of physical therapists in the nation trained in Fascial Counterstrain techniques by The Jones Institute and the Counterstrain Academy. This technique, which has its roots in osteopathic medicine, is very gentle and relaxing for the client, and often provides pain relief when other traditional physical therapy techniques have failed.

Fascial Counterstrain utilizes a diagnostic “cranial scan,” which indicates not only what areas of the body need treatment, but also what systems of the body need attention. I treat all of the body’s fascial systems, including vascular, visceral, nervous, and musculoskeletal systems. Fascial Counterstrain releases trapped inflammation, which removes protective mechanisms and compensations, as well as treats the primary source of the dysfunction, so the body can heal. You can learn more about the technique at .

In an effort to provide the best care possible, I offer private-pay one-hour appointments for $155, with a $5 discount for cash/check ($150). No referral from your doctor is needed. Just call/text/email and schedule your appointment. I look forward to working with you.

428 W. Shaw Ave. Fresno CA 93704